Our Vision: Provide the most trusted auditing and consulting services in the industry.
Our Core Values:
- Truth
- Reliability
- Understanding
- Safety
- Teamwork
Being a business leader in the LNG Ship/Shipyard Maritime Industry requires working with a reliable and approved partner. This usually involves many verification processes being applied to our business. This is what the audits are done for. In simple words, to verify the business partner to ensure our company will not suffer any losses if we agree to co-operate.
And vice versa, if you are looking for a partner to work with, we are open to co-operating and will meet all your needs.
The company that gathers numerous auditors (fixed and freelancers) offers various services tailored to the customers’ needs, endeavoring always to be one step ahead of the competitors.
Our organization is built not to gain money but to gain trust amongst maritime industry partners and develop it as a “society” organization.
At present, we are just creating a brand built on trust. We have nothing else to offer but the reputation of our auditors and consultants. We want to connect with the customers and consistently deliver the best possible service with a “personal touch.” Every customer is different, and we agree with it and adapt to it accordingly. We apply a customer-specific “family approach” rather than a standard huge corporation style.
The company’s structure is based on the outsourcing recruitment model and having core auditors/consultants (constantly employed), making it always competitive in price and delivering the best professionals/subject experts and easy adapting, especially in the current post-Covid-19 world.
We are closely working with our sister companies’ recruitment services, namely: LNGauditors.com, maritimeauditors.com, and shipyardauditors.com, to source the best quality auditors suitable for customer’s projects and create mini teams and teams with the best professionals and matter experts the customer requires.
Before starting any consulting and auditing, we will perform extensive pre-audit meetings to populate a plan tailored to the customers’ needs. Together with the customer will choose the best solution thinking “out of the box” – this is our advantage over existing bulky corporation styles.
The first assignment covers the only operational cost and builds relationships with the customers. All the invoices will provide you to justify it.